Meet Steve
Steve’s philosophy is simple: “Always be learning, moving and living life on your terms.”
It’s based upon decades of adventures:
⬤ Achieved four year varsity high school pole vaulter and gold medalist
⬤ Finished many half-marathons, marathons and 5K & 10Ks
⬤ Earned B.A. Professional Writing
⬤ Coached Philly-local school’s eighth grade boys soccer team, which hadn’t won a single game in previous four seasons, and took them to the league championship and won in second season
⬤ Coached high school girls soccer, and track & field
⬤ Takes guitar lessons, along with his 8 year-old son
⬤ Enjoys rock-climbing with his 17 year-old son, who’s also a gold medalist high school
pole vaulter

Steve’s passion for learning took him back to college where he earned his bachelors degree in Professional Writing. His appreciation for the written word, love of reading and all things sports-related has led him to an inevitable outcome: helping others learn and experience optimal wellness living. Steve’s can-do attitude and drive to strive towards personal wellness has evolved over years of unintentional wellness through an oftforgotten path, “having fun.”
Steve has discovered that the key to successful long-term wellness is simple, though not easy: maintain consistency in all aspects of life and have fun doing it: regular and consistent sleep, well-rounded diet, effective stress management and daily exercise.
Combined these aspects create a joyful course towards longevity.
Steve’s varied background: sports coaching (individuals & teams), fatherhood, having worked in the mental health field for nearly two decades, and his work as a professional writer morph into quite an intriguing background for a wellness coach. Also, he has a live-in wellness expert: his wife of 12 years is an internist.
Inherently, most people get the general idea of how important it is to maintain a healthy lifestyle, it seems like common sense. Yet most people fail to maintain one.
Understanding why this happens is not so simple. You’re bombarded with endless food and supplements options that offer too many choices, which often contain confusing and contradicting information. Many often wonder, which diet works best? Is it Paleo, Mediterranean or something else? What is good sleep hygiene and how do you maintain it? What can you do when feeling overstressed? Identifying, resolving and (finally) maintaining and adapting wellness tactics which best suit your specific lifestyle needs are where we come in.
Like many people if you’ve been left confused and frustrated know that you have a knowledgeable and caring partner on your wellness journey. We will guide you through the dizzying maze of too many choices, many of which waste your precious time and resources. Instead, catch your breath, we are the crucial piece that you’ve been missing for your life-changing wellness success. Let’s get started together!